Thursday, January 04, 2007

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take before an improvement is seen with Himalayan Goji Juice?
Everyone will receive benefits within different time periods depending upon their body's nutritional needs, however, most people will begin to see noticeable results within the first month.

How many pounds of goji berries are in a bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice?
One liter of Himalayan Goji Juice contains the polysaccharides equivalent of 2.2 pounds of fresh goji berries. As an alternative, we suppose that one could simply eat dried goji berries. However, our research indicates that the quality of commercially-available dehydrated berries can vary tremendously, and there's also a high probability that the polysaccharides in dried berries may have oxidized and degraded. FreeLife will not offer dried goji berries until it can be scientifically proven that they can deliver a consistent health benefit.

Are the 4 polysaccharides unique to Himalayan® Goji Juice?
The 4 polysaccharides are unique to goji, but can vary in quality depending on the ancestry of the plant and the growing conditions for a particular region in a particular year. FreeLife is the only company that has developed a Spectral Signature to ensure that you always receive the same high potency polysaccharides in exact balance when you drink Himalayan Goji Juice.

How do I measure an ounce of Himalayan Goji Juice?
An ounce of Himalayan Goji Juice is about 2 tablespoons, or one cap-full.

Why does FreeLife not emphasize the vitamins and 18 amino acids that are in goji?
Himalayan Goji Juice is a high-tech functional food, specifically designed to preserve the content and balance of the goji berry's delicate and highly protective polysaccharides. It is standardized to a consistently high level of polysaccharides, in perfect balance. Dozens of published scientific studies have confirmed that these polysaccharides are the most important bioactive components, and are responsible for much of the benefit of the goji berry. That is why we have chosen to focus on this aspect of the goji, rather than emphasize the other nutritional aspects of this remarkable plant.

Why are other fruit juices added to Himalayan Goji Juice?
Our proprietary recipe incorporates a small amount of other fruit juices to ensure uniformity, and to help bring out the best flavor from the goji berry.

Is it okay for children to drink Himalayan Goji Juice?
Yes, Himalayan Goji Juice is great for the entire family.

Will FreeLife have difficulty sourcing goji berries?
We have several sources of supply for goji berries and we have no concerns about difficulty in sourcing them.

What's all the fuss about ORAC?
ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a non-official, non-governmental, private for-pay service that puts a product through a simple test that results in a number that represents what they call "total antioxidant power." There are many different classes of antioxidants, however, and they each work differently. To a scientist, the ORAC number means little because it does not give specific information about what kinds of antioxidants are present. Because the test is so limited in what it measures, we have never done an ORAC test on Himalayan Goji Juice. While Himalayan Goji Juice does have antioxidant power, its true power comes from another source: its unique Master Molecule polysaccharides, which simply cannot be found in any other plant on earth. Dozens of published scientific studies have confirmed that these polysaccharides are the most important bioactive components, and are responsible for the incredible health benefits of the goji berry.

After Himalayan Goji Juice is opened, how long can it stay out of refrigeration and still remain effective?
It should not be left out for any more than a couple of hours, the same steps you would take for any food or beverage that must be refrigerated after opened.

How much Himalayan Goji Juice should someone drink on a daily basis?
FreeLife recommends 2 ounces daily. There are no known side effects from drinking more than that (other than smiling too much!). Recent research is showing that 4 ounces per day provides even greater health benefits.

How does FreeLife ensure the quality of Himalayan Goji Juice?
FreeLife has a Seven-Step Quality Manufacturing Process to ensure that you receive the same consistent, standardized quality in every liter of Himalayan Goji Juice. Our Spectral Signature is your assurance of potency, purity, and authenticity in every bottle.

How is Himalayan Goji Juice different from other "juices"?
There is never any added sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors or flavors in Himalayan Goji Juice, and goji is the only plant that has the 4 unique polysaccharides—the Master Molecules that are so important to your body's defense systems.

Is Dr. Mindell's Goji Juice organic?
Although Himalayan Goji Juice is not certified organic, it is produced to the highest standards of ecological and environmental responsibility. We are working toward a cooperative program of organic certification for our indigenous Asian growers. Until then, you can be assured that, like every FreeLife product, Himalayan Goji Juice is certified to be free of detectable pesticide and herbicide residues. Also, Himalayan Goji Juice contains no added sugar, artificial colors, sweeteners, or flavors.

Are preservatives necessary in Himalayan Goji Juice and, if so, are they natural?
Yes. Freshness preservation is required to keep this chill-blended product from spoiling. We use less than one-tenth of 1% of naturally-derived sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate in Himalayan Goji Juice. Potassium sorbate is the potassium salt of sorbic acid. Sorbic acid is a natural constituent of many fruits and vegetables. Sodium benzoate is the sodium salt of benzoic acid. Benzoic acid is a natural component of berries. Both ingredients are two of the safest preservatives that can be used in food products. They are so safe that they are even on the FDA's GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) list. The only way to totally avoid preservatives would be to hot-fill the product in glass bottles. Hot filling would destroy our delicate active ingredients—the bioactive polysaccharides.

How soon should Himalayan Goji Juice be consumed after it is opened?
It is recommended that you consume Himalayan Goji Juice within 30 days after opening and refrigerating the bottle.

Is Himalayan Goji Juice only made with goji berries from the Himalayas?
Although they grow in the wild, goji berries are not cultivated in the Himalayas in sufficient quantity for large-scale distribution. The berries used in Himalayan Goji Juice are selected from the world's best-known growing regions. These include Inner Mongolia, as well as Ningxia and Xinjiang in the pristine Heavenly Mountains of western China. We use only those berries that conform to the precise Spectral Signature fingerprint and balanced polysaccharide profile of the original Lycium barbarum (goji) of the Himalayas.

What is the Bovis Energy Scale?

Bovis Energy Rating:
Noni: 17,000
Sea Silver: 24,000
Limu plus: 54,000
Xango: 53,000
GOJI: 355,000

Thanks to a French researcher in the 1930's by the name of Antoinne Bovis, we have a means to measure the "life force" or "natural earth energy" present in water, plants, rock formations and the like. For example, human beings show a reading on the Bovis scale of 6,500. Scientific research has correlated the clockwise or right spin of atoms and molecules with a Bovis reading below 6,500 is neutral for human life (i.e. life-depleting), and anything registering above 6,500 is essentially energy invigorating or enhancing to us.

Environmental readings below 6,500 are the effect of underground streams, geological faults, and Earth's magnetic grids. Several of Earth's energy vortices exceed 2,000,000 Bovis.

Goji Juice shows a reading of 355,000...the highest reading that many health professionals have ever reported receiving. A truly amazing product!

In a world where science is recognizing "energy medicine" more and more, and its crucial role in releasing healing properties, these statistics are a powerful confirmation of our Goji Juice.

The Hertz Energy Scale

Another energy unit... named for the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894), who proved in 1887 that energy is transmitted through a vacuum by electromagnetic waves.

Some Recorded Hertz Energy Ratings:

Noni Juice: 0 - 500
Sea Silver: 2,000
Limu: 2,000
Xango: 3,000
Himalayan Goji: 6,000

Learn more about Himalayan Goji Juice.

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