Saturday, January 27, 2007

New Woman Magazine Calls Goji 'Boost Juice'

"A daily shot of goji juice is claimed to protect cells against ageing, improve concentration and even reduce cellulite."

Sunday, January 07, 2007

UltraMarathon Runners Drink Goji Juice

If you are going to run with Charlie Engle, Ray Zahab, and Kevin Lin, you better pack a lunch. And a breakfast. And a dinner. And a tent. Because when these world renowned Ultra Distance Runners start moving, they go for thousands of miles. Through torrential rain, blinding snow, and unbelievable heat. And still live to tell about it.

What would make someone think they could survive running across an entire continent where temperatures hit 136 degrees, sand dunes reach over 1400 feet, and poisonous creatures and perilous plants have the right of way? Two words: Experience. Preparation.

The Marketing Executives, Ray, Kevin (not to be confused with our very own Co-Founders Ray and Kevin who are not running this race because they are running FreeLife) and Charlie have bios that prove they are true road warriors. Californian Charlie Engle has competed in over 100 triathlons, 40 marathons, and 20 ultra marathons. He's run the Death Valley, Amazon Jungle, and the Gobi Desert races, and competed in Eco-Challenges around the globe. Taiwanese superstar Kevin Lin has run in over 200 career races and never finished out of the top 5 percent. He's run the Antarctica, Egyptian Sahara, Atacama Desert, and Gobi Desert races. Canadian Ray Zahab has competed twice in the world's toughest footrace, the Marathon de Sables. He's also placed third in the Trans 333, which is a 333-kilometer (200 mile) run across Niger's Tenere Desert.

As for preparation, here's how Charlie, the tenacious terrain trio's spokesperson, summed up what FreeLife's Himalayan Goji Juice has done for them. "I've been an ultra endurance athlete for 20 years and have tried every fitness and nutritional product available to me. Himalayan Goji Juice has provided THE most powerful and fastest results I have ever experienced. The intensity of my workouts and speed of recovery have increased greatly, and my focus and concentration are truly off the charts. It's helped my body's immune system perform at such a high level, expediting muscle and cellular recovery before, during and after the races. I am a true believer that Himalayan Goji Juice is a fundamental cornerstone that will help our team go the distance."

See full article.

See article in The New York Times.

Learn more about Himalayan Goji Juice.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

TIME Magazine Names Goji Berry 'Superfruit of the Year'

Los Angeles Times, the Today Show, and now TIME...

In the July 24th issue, TIME Magazine, the world's largest news magazine with over 28 million readers, has just named the Himalayan Goji Berry as the breakout Superfruit of the Year!!! Referring to the Himalayan Goji Berry as a source of energy and longevity, the July 24th article was focused on those superfruits that have better health credentials than others. And the Himalayan Goji Berry was the Number 1 breakout of the year!!!

As we have said from day 1, Himalayan Goji Juice will become a billion dollar brand and the most successful functional beverage of its kind because it has great history, great science, gives great results and tastes great. No other product in the marketplace can make that claim, and now no other product in the world can state that TIME Magazine called their raw ingredient, the Himalayan Goji Berry, the BREAKOUT SUPERFRUIT OF THE YEAR!

Learn more about Himalayan Goji Juice.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Goji in Women's Golf Magazine

Goji Juice on MTV

A recent episode of MTV Cribs - a program that showcases celebrity homes - featured professional volleyball player and former model Gabrielle Reece and her professional big wave surfer husband Laird Hamilton.

When asked what was in their refrigerator, they opened it to reveal a bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice just chillin' in there. Laird, who was featured in the August 7, 2006 edition of Sports Illustrated, pointed out, "This is our Himalayan Goji Juice"!

So, that makes the Today show, TIME magazine, and now MTV all saying great things about the Himalayan Goji berry! With this kind of great media coverage, there has never been a better time to spread the word, fuel the excitement, and build your Organization.

So, take advantage of this great opportunity to grow now!

Learn more about Himalayan Goji Juice.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take before an improvement is seen with Himalayan Goji Juice?
Everyone will receive benefits within different time periods depending upon their body's nutritional needs, however, most people will begin to see noticeable results within the first month.

How many pounds of goji berries are in a bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice?
One liter of Himalayan Goji Juice contains the polysaccharides equivalent of 2.2 pounds of fresh goji berries. As an alternative, we suppose that one could simply eat dried goji berries. However, our research indicates that the quality of commercially-available dehydrated berries can vary tremendously, and there's also a high probability that the polysaccharides in dried berries may have oxidized and degraded. FreeLife will not offer dried goji berries until it can be scientifically proven that they can deliver a consistent health benefit.

Are the 4 polysaccharides unique to Himalayan® Goji Juice?
The 4 polysaccharides are unique to goji, but can vary in quality depending on the ancestry of the plant and the growing conditions for a particular region in a particular year. FreeLife is the only company that has developed a Spectral Signature to ensure that you always receive the same high potency polysaccharides in exact balance when you drink Himalayan Goji Juice.

How do I measure an ounce of Himalayan Goji Juice?
An ounce of Himalayan Goji Juice is about 2 tablespoons, or one cap-full.

Why does FreeLife not emphasize the vitamins and 18 amino acids that are in goji?
Himalayan Goji Juice is a high-tech functional food, specifically designed to preserve the content and balance of the goji berry's delicate and highly protective polysaccharides. It is standardized to a consistently high level of polysaccharides, in perfect balance. Dozens of published scientific studies have confirmed that these polysaccharides are the most important bioactive components, and are responsible for much of the benefit of the goji berry. That is why we have chosen to focus on this aspect of the goji, rather than emphasize the other nutritional aspects of this remarkable plant.

Why are other fruit juices added to Himalayan Goji Juice?
Our proprietary recipe incorporates a small amount of other fruit juices to ensure uniformity, and to help bring out the best flavor from the goji berry.

Is it okay for children to drink Himalayan Goji Juice?
Yes, Himalayan Goji Juice is great for the entire family.

Will FreeLife have difficulty sourcing goji berries?
We have several sources of supply for goji berries and we have no concerns about difficulty in sourcing them.

What's all the fuss about ORAC?
ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a non-official, non-governmental, private for-pay service that puts a product through a simple test that results in a number that represents what they call "total antioxidant power." There are many different classes of antioxidants, however, and they each work differently. To a scientist, the ORAC number means little because it does not give specific information about what kinds of antioxidants are present. Because the test is so limited in what it measures, we have never done an ORAC test on Himalayan Goji Juice. While Himalayan Goji Juice does have antioxidant power, its true power comes from another source: its unique Master Molecule polysaccharides, which simply cannot be found in any other plant on earth. Dozens of published scientific studies have confirmed that these polysaccharides are the most important bioactive components, and are responsible for the incredible health benefits of the goji berry.

After Himalayan Goji Juice is opened, how long can it stay out of refrigeration and still remain effective?
It should not be left out for any more than a couple of hours, the same steps you would take for any food or beverage that must be refrigerated after opened.

How much Himalayan Goji Juice should someone drink on a daily basis?
FreeLife recommends 2 ounces daily. There are no known side effects from drinking more than that (other than smiling too much!). Recent research is showing that 4 ounces per day provides even greater health benefits.

How does FreeLife ensure the quality of Himalayan Goji Juice?
FreeLife has a Seven-Step Quality Manufacturing Process to ensure that you receive the same consistent, standardized quality in every liter of Himalayan Goji Juice. Our Spectral Signature is your assurance of potency, purity, and authenticity in every bottle.

How is Himalayan Goji Juice different from other "juices"?
There is never any added sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors or flavors in Himalayan Goji Juice, and goji is the only plant that has the 4 unique polysaccharides—the Master Molecules that are so important to your body's defense systems.

Is Dr. Mindell's Goji Juice organic?
Although Himalayan Goji Juice is not certified organic, it is produced to the highest standards of ecological and environmental responsibility. We are working toward a cooperative program of organic certification for our indigenous Asian growers. Until then, you can be assured that, like every FreeLife product, Himalayan Goji Juice is certified to be free of detectable pesticide and herbicide residues. Also, Himalayan Goji Juice contains no added sugar, artificial colors, sweeteners, or flavors.

Are preservatives necessary in Himalayan Goji Juice and, if so, are they natural?
Yes. Freshness preservation is required to keep this chill-blended product from spoiling. We use less than one-tenth of 1% of naturally-derived sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate in Himalayan Goji Juice. Potassium sorbate is the potassium salt of sorbic acid. Sorbic acid is a natural constituent of many fruits and vegetables. Sodium benzoate is the sodium salt of benzoic acid. Benzoic acid is a natural component of berries. Both ingredients are two of the safest preservatives that can be used in food products. They are so safe that they are even on the FDA's GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) list. The only way to totally avoid preservatives would be to hot-fill the product in glass bottles. Hot filling would destroy our delicate active ingredients—the bioactive polysaccharides.

How soon should Himalayan Goji Juice be consumed after it is opened?
It is recommended that you consume Himalayan Goji Juice within 30 days after opening and refrigerating the bottle.

Is Himalayan Goji Juice only made with goji berries from the Himalayas?
Although they grow in the wild, goji berries are not cultivated in the Himalayas in sufficient quantity for large-scale distribution. The berries used in Himalayan Goji Juice are selected from the world's best-known growing regions. These include Inner Mongolia, as well as Ningxia and Xinjiang in the pristine Heavenly Mountains of western China. We use only those berries that conform to the precise Spectral Signature fingerprint and balanced polysaccharide profile of the original Lycium barbarum (goji) of the Himalayas.

What is the Bovis Energy Scale?

Bovis Energy Rating:
Noni: 17,000
Sea Silver: 24,000
Limu plus: 54,000
Xango: 53,000
GOJI: 355,000

Thanks to a French researcher in the 1930's by the name of Antoinne Bovis, we have a means to measure the "life force" or "natural earth energy" present in water, plants, rock formations and the like. For example, human beings show a reading on the Bovis scale of 6,500. Scientific research has correlated the clockwise or right spin of atoms and molecules with a Bovis reading below 6,500 is neutral for human life (i.e. life-depleting), and anything registering above 6,500 is essentially energy invigorating or enhancing to us.

Environmental readings below 6,500 are the effect of underground streams, geological faults, and Earth's magnetic grids. Several of Earth's energy vortices exceed 2,000,000 Bovis.

Goji Juice shows a reading of 355,000...the highest reading that many health professionals have ever reported receiving. A truly amazing product!

In a world where science is recognizing "energy medicine" more and more, and its crucial role in releasing healing properties, these statistics are a powerful confirmation of our Goji Juice.

The Hertz Energy Scale

Another energy unit... named for the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894), who proved in 1887 that energy is transmitted through a vacuum by electromagnetic waves.

Some Recorded Hertz Energy Ratings:

Noni Juice: 0 - 500
Sea Silver: 2,000
Limu: 2,000
Xango: 3,000
Himalayan Goji: 6,000

Learn more about Himalayan Goji Juice.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Dream Company

August 2006 CEO Update from Ray Faltinsky

Dear Friends,

One of the greatest lessons I learned at Yale Law School was how to effectively evaluate a given set of facts. For three years, some of the finest law school professors in the world pounded us with case after case after case and slammed home some indispensable principles and practices associated with the value of non-emotional, critical thinking. It wasn't always fun, but it did give me a whole new paradigm on the power of logical, thoughtful reasoning.

With that background, and after intensely studying and observing Direct Sales companies for more than 16 years, I can tell you that I have never seen a company more poised for stunning growth than FreeLife International.

In essence, Kevin and I dissected the very best companies in the history of this industry to learn from them and create a business that elevates "networking" to a whole new level. A level never thought possible in Direct Sales before. A level where anyone who took the time to fairly evaluate FreeLife would say, "I've never seen anything like this in my entire life! It seems too good to be true."

Well it is true. And it's never happened before in this industry.

What we have done with FreeLife International is created a networker's "Dream Company."

A company with a proprietary, un-duplicatable product made from a fruit that is so powerful and beneficial for the human body that just last week, TIME magazine named it the "Superfruit of the Year"!

A product so compelling that it was recently featured on the Today show.

A compensation plan that is so lucrative and so perfectly balanced to meet the needs of people at all levels of participation that other companies are tempted to copy it. The temptation ends when they realize that an abundance mentality is the cornerstone of FreeLife's compensation plan and they are just not willing to share that kind of abundance with their people.

Incentive trips that have captured the hearts of our Leaders, taken them to numerous exotic locations, and sets a new standard in our industry on how companies recognize and give heartfelt thanks to their leaders.

A charitable-giving program that demonstrates our total commitment to serving others and to making the world a better place.

All this is wrapped up in a company that is completely debt free, has never been late with a check, strongly believes in residual income and is just now beginning to enter its most impressive growth period.

What more could a networker ask for? Let me share the dream with you...

Dream #1: The World's Leading Nutritional Authority

If you were going to start the ultimate Direct Sales nutrition company, where would you begin? There is only one way you could begin—you would align your company with the world's leading authority on nutrition. If you wanted to set a new standard for Direct Sales and truly create a networker's dream company, you could not settle for second best. You could not settle for products that were mediocre or even good. You would demand the best. That's why we chose to partner with Dr. Earl Mindell, undisputedly the world's leading authority on wellness.

Dr. Mindell's Vitamin Bible has sold more books than any nutrition book in the history of publishing—more than 10 million copies! Let that sink in for a minute. More books sold than any other writer who has ever written about health and wellness in the history of the world!

Do you think that provides a long-term competitive edge over every other nutrition company in this industry? Of course it does! No other company in the world can make the claim that they have the world's leading nutritional authority on their team. We are the only company aligned with Dr. Earl Mindell in an exclusive, long-term relationship.

Dr. Mindell not only gives our Marketing Executives instant, worldwide credibility by appearing on 300 radio and television programs each year and selling books in more than 50 countries, but his research also keeps us on the cutting edge of science and wellness.

In July, Dr. Mindell was featured in the 8-page cover story of CityView magazine based in Knoxville, Tennessee. Here's a quote from the magazine that sums up Dr. Mindell, his research, and the incredible future of FreeLife:

"Dr. Earl Mindell is at the forefront of a health revolution that is spreading across the globe faster than any other before its time."

No Direct Selling company in history has ever had this sort of credibility associated with it.

Dream #2: Himalayan Goji Juice

If you were trying to create the ultimate dream product for your company, what would you want it to be like?

First, you would want it to be formulated by a credible person and to have great historical and scientific data behind it.

Second, you would want it to work so well that everyone would be raving about the results they were getting—a product that truly sells itself because its effectiveness is unquestioned.

Third, you would want it to be easy to take and taste so great that people would reorder it each and every month.

Fourth, you would like it to be unique and exclusive so that others could not copy it.

And fifth, you would like the product to be on the cutting edge so that you would garner free, positive publicity from the most credible media sources in the world.

The formulator for Himalayan Goji Juice is none other than Dr. Earl Mindell, the clear leader in the wellness industry. Historically, the goji berry has been used in Himalayan and Chinese medicine dating back 4,000 years. From that time forward, it has been considered a most precious and valuable healing food. And the science on the goji berry is truly outstanding, with 72 independent published studies available for anyone to review on the U.S. Government Website Simply search for the Latin name for the goji berry, Lycium barbarum.

Because of the ongoing scientific interest in this remarkable berry, there have been five new studies published this year with the latest one published as recently as July 28.

The results Customers are getting with Himalayan Goji Juice are simply undeniable. It appears that the Himalayan Healers were correct in their assessment that the goji berry is the most powerful healing food ever discovered. It seems to help with virtually all aspects of human health. We have received literally thousands upon thousands of heart-warming stories of people's health being drastically improved with Himalayan Goji Juice. And the stories become more personal and more encompassing every single day. For me, this is the greatest part about our business: we are truly making a difference in the health and well-being of people everywhere.

Himalayan Goji Juice is fun, delicious, and easy to take. It's a juice, not a pill, so there is very little objection to trying it. It tastes absolutely delicious and easily passes the "kid" taste test. Just this morning, like every morning, my four children were clamoring for their daily dose! Because of the great results and great taste, our Customers reorder our product month after month, year after year, and soon, decade after decade!

As for being unique and exclusive, Himalayan Goji Juice is one of a kind—a Category Creator. You see, this tiny red berry was kept secret from most of the world for more than 4,000 years, until we changed all that in October 2003. We created the market! At the same time, we also protected our investment by developing a trade-secret manufacturing process that allows us to deliver the most potent and effective goji juice available. That means that the health-enhancing and powerful polysaccharides—the Master Molecules—are delivered in the exact ratio and amount necessary for maximum effectiveness. This is demonstrated in our Spectral Signature, which appears on every bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice as your assurance of the potency, purity, and authenticity in every bottle, every time.

As hard as other companies may try, they will never be able to duplicate the taste, potency, and results of Himalayan Goji Juice. Just this weekend, I had my children sample another "goji" product we found at a health food store and they literally spit it out of their mouths. It tasted horrible! And remember, Dr. Mindell and his world-class team of scientists have been working for nearly ten years on Himalayan Goji Juice. Its technology and ingenuity is far reaching and literally puts us years ahead of the competition.

As for recognition in the media, there has never, ever been such wide acceptance of a nutritional product as Himalayan Goji Juice. First, let me emphatically state that we have never used a public relations firm to garner publicity for our Company. All of the great exposure we have received has happened organically, meaning that the media has independently featured Himalayan Goji Juice because it has become the talk of the industry.

Last July, the Los Angles Times wrote a tremendous article on the goji berry. This July, TIME magazine, a publishing powerhouse which is read by 28 million people each month, named the Himalayan goji berry the breakout "Superfruit of the Year"! They refer to the Himalayan goji berry as a source of energy and longevity in the July 24 article that focused on those superfruits that have the best known health credentials. And, the Himalayan goji berry was the Number 1 breakout of the year!

I don't need to explain how significant that is. There have been many exotic fruits that have entered the market over the years, including acai, noni, mangosteen, pomegranate, and others. But not a single one of them was rated above the Himalayan goji berry as the "Superfruit of the Year"! Amazingly, they are already branding this fruit after the trademarked name of our product! "HIMALAYAN." We are making massive waves in the wellness industry and we have only just begun.

Then just a few days after the TIME magazine article, the Today show did a segment entitled, "What's Hot and What's Cool." And guess what was hot and cool? Yes, Himalayan Goji Juice! In fact, they showed our bottle on the program to millions of viewers around the world!

As we have said from Day One, Himalayan Goji Juice will become a billion-dollar brand and the most successful functional beverage of its kind because it has great history, great science, gives great results, and tastes great. No other product in the marketplace can make those four claims, and now no other company in the world can state that TIME magazine called their main ingredient the BREAKOUT SUPERFRUIT OF THE YEAR!

Dream #3: The Compensation Plan

If you are going to start the dream Direct Sales company and you have the dream product, your next step would be to develop the dream compensation plan to reward Marketing Executives unlike any company in history.

In order to do that, you must come from a place of abundance, not scarcity. You must believe that there is "enough and more" of everything for all of us. You must have enough faith in your Marketing Executives that you know if you share liberally and generously with them, they will take that message to a waiting world, and our mutual belief in abundance will be the tide that lifts all of us together.

Scarcity thinking will never get you there.

First, you would want to reward people at every level of participation for getting off to a fast start and ensure that they begin to earn significant money quickly. Second, you would want to give Leaders incredible incentive to work with other Leaders in their Organization and build depth and security in their business. Finally, you would want to reward your Marketing Executives based on the total success of the Company, not just the success of their own Organization.

FreeLife's Fast Start Bonus and Advancement Bonuses get significant money into the pockets of business builders very quickly. Our Fast Start Bonus pays between 10-20 percent of case purchases of Himalayan Goji Juice a full five levels deep. And, our Advancement Bonuses pay you up to $5,550 as you work your way toward Ambassador and begin to develop long-term residual income.

To create incentive to work with Leaders in your Organization, FreeLife has done three things which are revolutionary in our industry:

Paying Ten Levels Deep Some companies pay seven or eight levels deep. One that I know of pays nine levels deep. We decided to go one step beyond. FreeLife pays a full ten compressed levels deep! It's never been done before in our industry. This really becomes meaningful if you do the math of three enrolling three, enrolling three, down ten levels deep. On your tenth level, you have more people on whose purchases you can earn income than you do in your entire first nine levels combined! In fact, on your tenth level alone, you would have more than TWICE as many Customers than on your first nine levels COMBINED! Why did we do this? Because a dream compensation plan has to be better than anything ever available, and that's why we have set a new standard with ten-level pay.

Rewarding Leaders for Developing Leaders Then we asked how else we could set our compensation plan apart. How could we do something that has not been done before and reward Leaders better than any company in history for developing other Leaders? That's how our Matching Bonus was born. With this special bonus, you can earn a bonus of between 20-60 percent of the ten-level commissions of ALL your personally enrolled Marketing Executives. Again, this is unheard of in our industry, and just like the ten-level commission plan, none of our competitors are willing to offer a Matching Bonus to their leaders. Combine these bonuses with the five-level, 2% Ambassador Generational Bonus, and you have a plan that both encourages and rewards Leaders to develop other Leaders like no other compensation plan in our industry.

Sharing Worldwide Abundance There are a number of other bonuses I could mention, but I just want to highlight one more: our 2% Worldwide Himalayan Goji Bonus Pool. This pool allows every Ambassador to earn money on every single bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice that is sold anywhere in the world, not just in their Organization. We want all of our Leaders to share in our worldwide success and to support each other even if they have different Organizations. This concept of shared abundance has worked wonderfully and our Leaders love it.

Dream #4: Incentive Trips and Training

The dream Direct Sales company would make it their mission to reward their Leaders better than any company in the industry. This, we are doing.

Not only is our compensation plan more lucrative than any we have ever seen, but our incentive trips are becoming legendary in the industry. Every six months we take hundreds of our top Leaders to exotic locations like Atlantis in the Bahamas, Maui, and Cancun. Taking this many Leaders on such expensive trips for a company our size is absolutely unheard of in the Direct Sales industry. No other company is willing to spend that kind of money on their Leaders. We are willing to make that commitment and we LOVE IT!

Nothing is more fun for Kevin and me than to spend time with our top Leaders on the beaches of the world, recognizing their success, sharing gourmet meals and incredible entertainment, and enjoying the "FreeLife" together.

In the works, we have plans for trips that will pale in comparison to what we have offered before. Our goal is to captivate our Leaders as we capture their hearts. Our goal is to have bigger, better, more fun, more exotic trips that will create lasting memories.

In the area of training, I believe, as do many others, that we have the top trainer in Direct Selling in our Senior Vice President of Training and Development, Mike Zundel. His "Built to Last" seminar is one of a kind and not offered through any other person or company. It sets us far apart from the competition.

Mike previously worked with Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People) and then spent several years successfully helping another Direct Selling company grow and prosper. He joined FreeLife because he truly believes in serving others and he realized that we were the best opportunity that our industry offered for those interested in building a rapidly growing business and developing long-term residual income.

Dream #5: Serving Our Children

We have found that people truly have a desire to make a difference in the world and want to be a part of a company that shares its success with the world at large. In essence, they want to be a part of a company that "Serves Others."

Our mission statement is "To serve each other by promoting good health, well-being, and the opportunity for an abundant life." We are certainly doing this with the health-promoting powers of Himalayan Goji Juice, and with our incredible financial opportunity. But we take it one step further with our charitable-giving program GojiKids.

The only known "side effect" of drinking too much Himalayan Goji Juice is that it makes you smile too much! And we want to put a smile on the faces of children all over the world. Children are the future leaders of the world and we wanted to invest in their future. Thus, GojiKids was born.

How does this program work? It's simple: Each time a Customer purchases a bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice anywhere in the world, we take a portion of the sale and give it to worthy children's charities around the world. Thus far, we have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to more than 50 different children's charities globally. Here is a sampling of the charities we have donated to so far in 2006:

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Arizona
Ronald McDonald House
Family Life Center
Kids Korps USA
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Children's Wish Foundation of Canada
Children's Cottage Society
Roger's House
Shiloh Youth Ranch
Dans La Rue
Canadian Cancer Society
Maui Youth & Family Services
Children's Hospital of San Diego
Variety of New Zealand
Abused Child Trust of Australia
Tommy Fund

I cannot express enough my great appreciation to all those who have contributed to GojiKids either by purchasing Himalayan Goji Juice or building a FreeLife Organization. Your efforts, no matter how large or how small, all add up to a rapidly growing contribution we have been able to make to truly change the direction and better the lives of tens of thousands of children around the world. Thank you once again.

Dream #6: Timing!

When any networker/entrepreneur is evaluating a business opportunity, timing certainly must be considered. It is no secret that those who get involved with a Direct Sales company before the large growth curve occurs are going to benefit the most. In any mature Direct Sales company, the top earners are usually the ones who joined the company right before or during the company's biggest growth curve.

Think of it like buying stock in a company. Would you rather have purchased Microsoft stock in the early 1990s when it just began its growth curve, or today when it is relatively stagnant? The answer is clear for anyone who wants to maximize their return.

FreeLife is rock solid, yet also in its infancy as far as growth is concerned. For comparison purposes, we have two excellent competitors in the Direct Sales "functional beverage" category, both of which started long before we introduced Himalayan Goji Juice in late 2003. They both had a big head start on us—a combined head start of 11 years before we launched Himalayan Goji Juice. One of these companies indicates on their Website that they did over $500 million in sales in 2005. The other one is more private about releasing their financial figures, but according to some excellent industry sources, it appears they did nearly $400 million in sales in 2005. While we are a private company and don't release our sales figures, let me say that we are on track to surpass both of those figures over the next two years and then move on toward $1 billion in sales in the two years after that. So we are talking about an incredible four-year window of opportunity that is right before your eyes. Four years to set yourself up for a lifetime of residual income and financial security.

You see, the writing is on the wall with FreeLife. There is no doubt in our minds that we will become a $1 billion company in the next four years and then move beyond that. We have put together a "Dream Company" that has revolutionized the industry and done things that have never been done before.

Right now is the time to get involved. Now is when the largest incomes will be earned. We are not even one tenth of where we will be in a few short years. We are only doing significant business in one of the top ten Direct Sales countries in the world, meaning that we have not even begun to penetrate the global market. We've literally just started our international expansion. Now is the time to join the cause, make a commitment, build your business, and enjoy the fruits of your labor for many years to come.

By doing this, you put yourself in a position where four years from now, you are going to look back, see FreeLife as a billion-dollar company and say to yourself, "Boy, did I make the best decision of my life!"

You'll say to yourself, "I saw the research on Himalayan Goji Juice, I read about it being called the ‘Superfruit of the Year' by none other than TIME magazine, I saw it on the Today show, I saw the studies on, and I realized that other juice companies had achieved hundreds of millions of dollars in sales without half of what FreeLife has going for it.

"I reviewed what appeared to be the most lucrative compensation plan I had ever seen. I saw the extravagant trips they put together, how they treated their Leaders, and how they believed in residual income. I saw how they believed in making a difference in the lives of children all around the world. I saw all that and I TOOK ACTION! I took a stand to change my life and the lives of others, and to make a difference in the world."

You are reading this for a reason. You did not get this far into this letter if you were not destined to join with us. We were attracted to each other to influence each other's lives and the lives of others for good throughout the world.

Make that decision right now to join our great mission.

I'll see you on the beaches of the world as we enjoy the "FreeLife" together!
